So, I am frantically trying to get all my work done so that I can have a nice and relaxing evening with Krystal, full of lots of laughs, good wine and yummy food. Since today, most of my work consists of sitting in front of my computer, and I don’t have a whole lot of reason to leave the house, I decided to get dressed in my outfit for tonight early on and snap a photo of it before the light went away. This is my splurge dress and like I said before, I plan on wearing it many different ways so I feel like I am getting bang for my buck. And so I give you, the outfit of the evening. The blouse underneath is the same top I wore here. Right now I am getting away without wearing tights, but I think when later on I will slip on some sheer black nylons and actually wear the leather jacket that is in my hand.
**After uploading this photo, I realized that I am totally doing a pose that is reminiscent of Krystal’s blogging pose, without even meaning to! I always think she looks great, so I guess imitation really is the greatest form of flattery!**
(Side note: The color of this dress is truer to color in the first photo…flash and lighting tends to throw it off a bit.)
My Outfit (left):
Dress: Urban Outfitters (I wasn’t able to find it online, but the brand is Kimchi Blue.)
Blouse: H&M
Belt: Random boutique in Soho
Earrings: Urban Outfitters
Jacket: F21
Shoes: Courtesy of ModCloth
My Outfit (right):
Dress: Urban Outfitters
Black bandeau: American Apparel
Belt: Deena & Ozzy Hook Belt Urban Outfitters
Tights: Drugstore
Shoes: Jenni Kayne