When it comes to shopping, my main motto, which I learned from my mother and grandmother, is you should only purchase pricey pieces if they go with at least five items in your closet. Well, after a long week, I decided to treat myself to two little somethings, which I found at Urban Outfitters. I picked up this beautiful little sheath of a dress, and this funky belt. The issue at hand: the dress cost a little bit more than I usually spend, but still not astronomical by any means. Yet, even though I know I will get a lot of wear out of both items, I want to practice what I preach, so I have decided to remix this dress five different ways to prove to myself that it does in fact go with five things in my closet.
So, I give you look 1: All dolled up, out at The Richardson in Greenpoint, BK, for my friend’s engagement party.
My Outfit:
Dress: Urban Outfitters (I wasn’t able to find it online, but the brand is Kimchi Blue.)
Black bandeau: American Apparel
Belt: Deena & Ozzy Hook Belt Urban Outfitters
Tights: Drugstore
Shoes: Jenni Kayne
P.S. Passion Pit outfit photo to come soon…