My days here have been flying by and I have really been trying to focus on getting this space finished and start working on some projects I have in mind. I’m also currently expanding my styling business out here so that has been my other main focus as of late, which is why I’ve been taking a little break from outfit posts. But I thought I would give you guys a little update on the office and share where I’m at with it all!
I picked a super white paint to brighten up the space and freshen up the walls since this is where I will be doing all my filming for YouTube.
The space now has some furniture, however I am still waiting on a few things so I haven’t taken any more photos recently. But my rug should hopefully be showing up by next week since it was on backorder and I purchased this desk and this fun clothing rack. I am also working on figuring out which artwork I want to go up on the walls, but am hoping that the whole space will come together by early September!
This originally was going to be my beauty closet, but instead, I am going to remove the two bottom shelves, install a horizontal pole to hang clothing and then add some drawers on the very bottom for jeans and pants etc. I also now have a large floor to ceiling shelving unit that is perfect for all my makeup and products, which I am in the process of organizing. Eeek!
Anyway, I have all sorts of plans for this space and can not wait to continue sharing them with you guys, so definitely keep an eye on this space over the next couple of weeks! You can follow my Instastories as well at @mystylepill. :) xo