Yes, it’s true. I wore this shirt again, yesterday. Whoops! But really, what’s a gal to do when she’s in love with a certain item in her closet? Click below to see the full outfit!
Outfit Remix: Seeing Double
So, remember yesterday when I re-blogged The Glamourai’s post about ankle/shoe jewels? Well, I mentioned how I also bought similar gray lace tights, which I promptly put on the minute I got home. Well, seeing how I couldn’t just prance around in my tights for the rest of the day, I went about creating an outfit for myself. I found that I was drawn to my striped dress, faux fur vest and braided necklace combination, then threw on my black bowler hat and black ankle booties for a nice contrast. I snapped a few photos and then realized that my little ensemble was almost identical to an outfit I wore a couple weeks ago. Here is a comparison of the two. I think it’s fun to re-wear an almost identical outfit again, and then just alter it slightly by changing out the accessories to give it some new flair. So, as close as these two looks are, which one is your favorite?
My Outfit:
Earrings: UO
Bracelet: (Actually a necklace!) H&M
Necklace: Fred Flare
Faux fur vest: BB Dakota from ModCloth
Dress: H&M, thrifted from Buffalo Exchange
Tights: UO
Boots: F21
My Outfit: Flower Girl
Okay, I am up to six different outfits that include this dress as the main piece. I dug this little maroon caplet/cropped blazer from the depths of my closet and went the retro route again. I pinned an over-sized silk flower to my jacket, which made me feel very 1940s. Loved it!
These four photos show the evolution of the outfit, and how I tweaked it bit by bit. First adding gloves and then the final touch, a simple black belt. So, tell me, what’s your favorite version? Hope you all had a lovely weekend, and Happy Columbus day!
P.S. Stay tuned later today to see all six outfits!
My Outfit:
Sunglasses:Vintage from 20Twenty
Necklace: Grandmother’s vintage watch on chain
Dress: Vintage, thrifted from Buffalo Exchange
Belt: F21
Flower: H&M
Caplet/Blazer: F21
Gloves: H&M
Tights: ?
Shoes: Vintage Ferragamo heels, thrifted from Beacon’s Closet
My Outfit: Feeling Patriotic
Folks, it’s official. I finally bought my very own pair of red tights! I have been searching for a pair for quite some time and then as I walked past an American Apparel last night and found exactly what I was looking for. As you know, I have been having the best time remixing this dress, so I of course had to immediately try the two of them together. What a smashing contrast! I borrowed my roommates new coat/trench and accented with my mustard-colored purse. Don’t you think the headscarf and over-sized glasses give it a 1950s/politician’s wife feel? Very patriotic, indeed!
My Outfit:
Scarf: NafNaf in Paris
Sunglasses: Vintage, 20twenty in Ballard
Coat: Roomies!
Dress: Vintage, thrifted from Buffalo Exchange
Belt: Thrifted, somewhere in the west village (?)
Necklace: Grandmother’s vintage watch on chain
Tights: American Apparel
Shoes: Jenni Kayne, gift from BFF
Bag: Coach
My Outfit: Urban Beatnik
I think I might have found my new favorite spot to photograph my outfits. I love the design and backdrop, plus it isn’t filled with people, which helps me to lose some of my shyness when shooting in public. I had fun tilting the camera, which is something I really like about Kelly of The Glamourai’s photos, as well as playing with the exposure. I feel like it adds an extra element of fun. Anyway, as you can tell, I have been remixing the heck out of this shirt, vest, tights, and hat, but I just can’t help it. This outfit was perfect for running around town, which I do often, and I like to be comfortable but stylish. I felt very hip and urban in this look, plus the hat really does it for me.
My Outfit:
Hat: H&M
Sunglasses: Fred Flare
Necklace: Fred Flare
Blouse: Thrifted from Beacon’s Closet
Vest: H&M
Shorts: My Dad’s old Levi’s that I made into cut-offs
Tights: ModCloth
Shoes: Urban Outfitters
Bag: H&M
Remix Challenge: Cheap Monday Tee
With the band
Soho Sunday brunch
Out on the town
Back to school
So, last week I became inspired by my fellow fashion bloggers that attended the Weardrobe Conference and decided to see if I could remix the Cheap Monday shirt that we all got in our gift bags. At first, I was unsure if I could make this tee work. But, I proved myself wrong and came up with four different ways I could wear it depending on my mood, whether I’m feeling edgy, chic, casual or preppy. What’s your favorite? How would you wear this t-shirt?
Click below to read about each outfit.
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My Outfits: Quick Change
Earlier in the night…look #1: Drinks and dinner at Diablo Royale
Later that night…look #2: Karaoke!
Can you believe it’s almost October? Did everyone enjoy their last weekend September weekend? I had quite a busy one myself, which consisted of sangria and karaoke on Friday, drinks and dancing on Saturday, and a low-key dinner with one of my best friends last night. But, back to Friday. I hung out with a good friend at a restaurant in the West Village where we sipped sangria and munched on chips and salsa, and yummy cheesy corn on the cob. After we parted ways, I stopped by my apartment to do a quick change from my dress to jeans before I headed over to belt out a few songs at a karaoke bar near Union Square. I kept most the pieces the same and just switched out my sundress for a tank and jeans. Easy peasy!
Outfit #1:
Dress: Thrifted from Buffalo Exchange
Vest: H&M
Necklace: Fred Flare
Shoes: Jenni Kayne
Outfit #2:
Vest: H&M
Tank: American Apparel
Jeans: Mossimo
Necklace: Fred Flare
Watch: Nooka
Shoes: Jenni Kayne
Click below to see how I first wore this dress and these jeans!
Outfit Remix: Switchin’ It Up
This photo is of an outfit I wore back in early August but I totally forgot to tell you guys that my top in the first post from today is actually a skirt! The exact skirt, in fact, that I wore in the photo above! When I put it on with my new flared jeans, I loved the way it ruffled out at the bottom, and when belted, it helped draw in the flowiness of it a bit. Et voila!
To see both outfits side by side, click below!