My Outfit: A Sunny Sunday
You know, sometimes, you just have to stop, slow down and observe what’s going on around you. Last week was quite busy for me, but during it all, I took some time to have an iced Americano, and enjoy the scenery. These photos were taken on one of my favorite blocks, at one of my favorite cafes. I am not wearing anything particularly special or interesting, instead it’s just me on a regular sunny Sunday. I hope this coming Sunday morning is relaxing as mine was. xoxo
my outfit: school girl chic
Hi my loves, and happy Friday! So sorry for the lack of posts over the past few days. I’ve been inundated with work and press events, so I apologize, however I’m back and ready to do some outfit sharing! Let me introduce you to my new shoes, new shoes, new shoes!!! I think I might be cheating on my wedges with these lace-up wooden heels. Oops. Anyway, I was going for a very simple look here…combining my basic American Apparel v-neck with my girly skirt and a touch of utilitarian heels…let’s just say the shoes go with everything, whether it’s shorts or boyfriend jeans (photos to come soon). Honestly, I just love them.
Anyway, I hope you guys are all having a fantastic Friday and thanks for being such devoted and supportive readers! MUAH! xoxo
My Outfit:
Sunglasses: F21
Shirt: American Apparel
Skirt: F21
Shoe: DANNYY BY Steve Madden
***Steve Madden is a lovely sponsor of My Style Pill***
My Outfit: Margarita Night!
The other night my family and I went over to my Godmother’s house for margaritas, BBQ’ed shrimp and warm brownies. Since I am slightly obsessed with this striped dress, I once again, threw it on, tucked it into black jeans and added yellow as a pop of color, except this time in the form of a belt. I didn’t have time to photograph my outfit in my usual spot, so my Mom was kind enough to snap a shot on our way to dinner. It was comfy and caual for a fun dinner with family and friends outside on the deck. Perfect night with yummy margs! Thanks Pam!
My Outfit:
Sunglasses: Thrifted from a vintage store in Ballard
Necklace: Grandmother’s watch on chain
Jacket: F21
Dress: H&M, thrifted from Buffalo Exchange
Belt: Banana Republic
Jeans: F21
Shoes: Urban Outfitters
Purse: Thrifted from Value Village
Inspired by the weather.
Photo via Garance Dore
So it seems like it is pretty hot in New York right now, but Seattle has been having a bit of a cool streak compared to the extreme heat wave that took place when I first arrived in late July. And, I gotta say, the crisper weather has definitely been having an effect on me. I am already starting to think about what I am going to wear this fall. Plus, NY fashion week is soon to be upon us, so it is inevitable! What is the weather like where you are? Are you in full summer mode or are you dreaming of September?
Inspired By: The Lovely Zooey Deschanel
HAPPY FRIDAY! Aren’t you SO jazzed it’s almost the weekend? I am! Plus, I just made myself the best driving CD and one of the songs on it is Sugar Town sung by Zooey Deschanel, which I of course have been listening to over and over again. She first sang it during a karaoke scene in her new movie, 500 Days of Summer. I love her and just find her so facsinating. Her style, her look, her voice and how she manages to be beautiful, innocent, haunting and intriguing all at the same time. Anyway, I decided to dedicate this last and final post of the week to her and share with you these adorable and inspiring photos of Miss Deschanel herself, which I found on this cute blog.
P.S. I would like to just send out a HUGE thank you to you all for reading, commenting and just being so supportive. I really, really appreciate it. You all rock. Majorly.
Have a fantastic weekend everyone!
My Outfit: Dreaming of Greece
Don’t you love this color? I do. It makes me so happy. Such a cheerful and upbeat shade of turquoise. I bought this tunic years ago when I traveled to Greece, and recently dug it out of my closet to bring home with me to Seattle. I have always treated it as a cover up, but decided to live what I preach and look at it with a “fresh eye.” I realized that if worn with a nude colored slip and a vest, this sheath could easily be transformed into a lightweight, summery shift, perfect for the hot summer days we have all been experiencing. So, now, I challenge you to peek into your closet and see if you can breathe new life into an old item of clothing that you usually only wear one way. I double dog dare you. Trust me, it’s fun! Let me know what you come up with!
My Before Outfit: September Stripes
And, I give you, dress #2 from the alterations pile. I actually just picked this little number up in an awesome vintage/thrift store in Ballard the other day. What a great dress for fall! I am planning on taking the hem up a few inches and then either adding a blazer or tights with my black lace-up oxford heels during the brisker months. But, for now, this is the current state and look of the dress, so keep a look out for the new and improved version to come!