I have been a “Mac person” for as long as I can remember. I grew up using them and it is really the only “machine” that I am really comfortable with. So when I was asked by Windows to test and share feedback on how I liked the Lenovo Ideapad with Windows 7 for the month of March, I thought it would be a healthy challenge to try and use something other than my trusty MacBook.
I mean, don’t get me wrong, I have used a PC before, but have never been comfortable with them. This would be my opportunity to really figure them out. I used this exact computer for a month and now know that I can navigate through without too many blunders or questions. Most computers, whatever brand they are, having similar functions, but I guess in the end, what really resonated with me with the Ideapad, especially being a blogger and having to edit and upload tons of photos all the time, was the organizational and touch-up features that were available for my images. I also really liked Photo Fuse, which lets you choose the best parts of multiple photos, and combine them to make one perfect shot! It’s genius really. And lastly, I liked that handy retouching features were available to remove blemishes, spots, stains, and other unwanted odds and ends from your photos, similar to what I used in iPhoto.
All in all, I have now become much more flexible and confident when it comes to using a PC versus a Mac, but, I have to be honest. I guess it’s true when they say, at heart, you are either a PC or a Mac person. Even though both machines have similar features and functions, I guess forever and always, I will always remain “a Mac” but with a healthy new appreciation for PCs! :)
I want to say a huge thank you to Lenovo and Windows for this awesome experience. xoxo