Vanessa (from Coach) and Jess
Okay, here we go…finally a mini recap of my whirlwind week. I have to admit, the day of the FABB conference I was a little bit off my game because a stomach bug decided to visit me at 3am the night before, so instead I will show you my day through photos. I also highly recommend heading over to Jessica, Taylor, Beth, and Kim’s blogs for more stories and photos from the day! So now, without further adieu,
Finally, I got to meet Beth of B. Jones Style. She is as amazing in person as she is on her blog.
All the girls twittering away.
Interview with Tory Burch. So stylish and poised.
JOAN RIVERS. She was hysterical and by far the most inspiring part of the conference.
We sort of attacked her on her way to her car. Oops. She was sweet and worried that we would freeze without our coats.
Quite the lineup of panelists. Love Susie Bubble’s topknot.
My idol, Jenna Lyons.
Jenna, Brandon Holley (EIC of Lucky) and Leandra
Like any true groupie, I waited in line to meet Jenna. She was so gracious and patient with all of us chatting her ear off. I almost didn’t wait because I felt kind of silly, but Kim convinced me to stay. I am so glad I met her, talked to her (gave her my business card!) and have this photo to remember the moment. (So, thanks Kim. :)
I heart Taylor. So sad that she lives so far away. Come back soon!
Mini cupcakes are the best.