Um, is this a stroke of genius or what? The lovely Krystal, of This Time Tomorrow has gone and done it again. Not only is she an awesome person, but I love her style in general. She is always coming up with ingenious ways to wear regular pieces of clothing by adding her own twist and style. I remember back when I first started reading her blog, I went bananas over this embellished tank she wore here. So much so, that I saved the photo and tucked it away in my DIY to-do folder. I still need to get around to making a similar top, but the point is the inspiration she provided. Anyway, this time, she went and cut off the sleeves of a her trench coat and sent me into a style frenzy. Although her post was supposed to be about her cute DIY turban, I was blinded by her DIY trench. Here’s the thing. I have a trench that I bought from Banana Republic, like forever ago, and I never wear it, which is a shame, but it just doesn’t fit right. It’s too long and overall way to big. I was going to take it in and get it tailored—read: expensive—but now I am having second thoughts and might just pull out my scissors instead and take matters into my own hands…
Hope you’re all having a lovely Thursday! Outfit photo to come in a bit! xoxo