Hello, hello. It’s Monday once again, and I can’t believe my trip home to Seattle is about to come to a close. I leave at the crack of dawn tomorrow, which is always so bittersweet. On the one hand, I am so excited to head back to New York and see all my friends, but on the other hand, I get so sad whenever I leave my friends and family on the west coast. Sigh. Anyway, onto today’s outfit. To read about it,
So, seeing that today’s the first day since the two week remix challenge ended, I decided to wear pants! Then I just picked out a few of my favorite pieces and paired them together. Easy peasey, simple as pie.
Stay warm, and enjoy your day wherever you are! xoxo
My Outfit:
Hat: H&M
Glasses: Thrifted from 20Twenty in Ballard, WA
Scarf: Buffalo Exchange
Shirt: F21
Necklace: Grandfather’s vintage watch on a chain
Pants: H&M
Shoes: Converse