Photos via The Uniform Project
Hello, my loves! I am so excited this morning. I am flying out to Seattle today for three weeks to spend Christmas vacation with my family. Hurrah! My only concern as I was packing last night, how in the heck am I going to bring a large chunk of my wardrobe home with me again? Over the summer, I brought so much with me, plus came home with lots of fun items, that my suitcases were beyond hefty. Then I remembered Sheena from The Uniform Project and how she decided to wear one dress for 365 days. I thought to myself, if she can do that for an entire year, then I can at least try and attempt to remix my own little black dress for a mere two-three weeks! So, although my plan isn’t as awesome as Sheena’s, which donates money towards the Akanksha Foundation so that underprivileged children can have a chance to go to school, I was still so inspired by her creativity and determination to base all her outfits around one little dress. Plus, I think this will be a great way to show how to pack lighter when going somewhere for an extended period of time. So, starting Wednesday, I am going to give this challenge my best shot. Wish me luck!