Yet another way to wear this fabulous dress, which I had sort of chalked up to being only a summertime sundress. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that it goes with a lot in my closet and fares well when worn with layers. At first I wasn’t sure how this outfit would photograph, but after looking at the photos a few times and studying the contrast of the varying blues and tans, which I found aesthetically pleasing to the eye, I found the whole look really refreshing.The hair, sunglasses and corduroy jacket give it a sort of 1940s feel, with a modern twist. What do you guys think?
My Outfit:
Sunglasses: Fred Flare
Necklace: Grandmother’s vintage watch on chain
Dress: Thrifted from Buffalo Exchange
Shirt: F21
Blazer: Thrifted from Beacon’s Closet
Belt: F21
Shoes: F21
Happy Friday!