You remember my outfit from earlier, right? Well, after helping my Mom, I came home and did a few things around the house before heading over to my best friend’s house for take-out and wine. I wanted to dress up this shirt a bit (it’s too bad that you can’t see the gingham pattern very well) so when I eyed my favorite high-waisted floral skirt hanging in my closet, I decided to see what the combo of red and white gingham and pink and orange floral would look like together. Next, I added my bright green purse for a fun pop of color, popped my collar for kicks and slipped on my woven wooden wedges. I felt very 1950’s and loved every second of it! Click below to see more shots!
My Outfit:
Sunglasses: F21
Necklace: Vintage, my Grandfather’s cross
Earrings: Thrifted, The Vintage Closet
Shirt: Thrifted from a consignment shop in Ballard
Belt: F21
Skirt: F21
Shoes: Gift from Pamela of Market Publique
Purse: Thrifted, The Vintage Closet