There are so many mattresses out there these days that boast good product design, guaranteeing you the best sleep of your life, but unfortunately not all deliver that promise. I have tried a couple of the “bed in a box” brands and have had both positive and negative experiences, but recognize that it really just comes down to personal preference. But for the past 6 months while home in Seattle, I slept on a very basic mattress that did my back absolutely no favors. I didn’t notice it right away but then slowly but surely, I started waking with the sorest back ever. But luckily the mattress gods aligned and a lovely person representing Spoon Sleep reached out to me about testing out a new bed. I jumped at the chance since my back was just getting worse and it was completely messing with my sleep as well as the quality of my day. It’s now been about two months of sleeping on the new Spoon bed and both Nate and I love it. The brand was super generous and is allowing me to host a giveaway on my Instagram today in celebration of Valentine’s Day so hop on over to my page and find out how to enter to get a free bed!
So, back to the bed. As I was figuring out the photos for this post, Nate suggested we do a fun reenactment of one our favorite Instagrammers, @catanacomics who created a genius GIF of how she and boyfriend sleep next to each other every night. Her feed is one of my favorites and more often than not, Nate and I end up sharing her comics back and forth online with each other because they are just so spot on! We even bought their super cute little digital “stickers” so we are clearly big fans haha! Anyway, below is our rendition of this comic, and according to Nate, the below photos are fairly close to how we (I) actually sleep! Oops, sorry babe!
SLEEP POSITION 1: The Traditional Spoon
We are snuggled up and ready for sleep!
SLEEP POSITION 2: The Face Plant
But apparently I get hot easily and like to spread out.
SLEEP POSITION 3: The Spread Eagle
What can I say, I guess I REALLY like to spread out!
SLEEP POSITION 4: The Separated Spoon
Almost back to where we started, but apparently I am still hot.
So clearly I go from hot to cold very quickly and also feel the need to take ALL the blankets. Whoops.
Thanks a lot for reading today’s post – it was SO much fun to create! And thanks a million to Spoon Sleep for everything! xo
And make sure to head over to my Instagram page at 9:30EST to enter the Spoon Sleep giveaway for a chance to win your very own new and amazing bed!
A little bit about Spoon Sleep:
Their beds feature a state-of-the- art supportive sleep technology of Spoon pillars that respond to the body like an innerspring but also withstand the compression or wear and tear of an average sleep. These foam pillars are designed to be the most durable foam in mattresses to-date and literally spoon the body, providing flexible support with each shifting movement. I can attest to this because Nate is bigger and taller than I am and we literally cannot feel each other move around, or get out of the bed. I like that I still know he is next to me, but I don’t get woken up at 2am if the gets up for a glass of water or uses the restroom (or vice versa). Nate also has noticed that his back is no longer tight after sleeping in the bed for the past two months.
A spill-resistant cover guards against spills and accidents and allows for maximum airflow to keep the mattress cool and clean. This part is great for us, because we often like to bring our dinner into bed (bad habit I know but blame it on a small apartment!) and it’s crucial that if we spill wine or food that the mattress is resilient.
Designed and manufactured in the US, the Spoon Sleep mattress is shipped to your door, compressed and easy to move and set-up. Available for purchase exclusively online, prices start at $700 and feature free shipping, returns and a full 100-night trial period. Want to learn more? Visit