RayBan Wayfarers / Urban Outfitters Blouse / Zara Cape / Seven Jeans / Franco Sarto Wedges
(thrifted from Beacon’s Closet)
So, clearly I broke down and bought the ever-so-beautiful cape that I posted about last week. Then, after chatting with my friend Krystal, she told me she bought it too, so we decided to team up this week and do a style challenge! We will be posting outfits again onWednesday and Friday of this week, so make sure to check back soon to see how we each style up our super stylish capes!
For this first post, I decided to start off simple and just style it in a very classic way. Over the course of the week I plan on getting much more creative and really style it up, but in the meantime, I give you my first cape outfit: classic, simple, chic. Now head on over to Krystal’s blog to see her first version of the week! xoxo