Romney Leader—Associate Fashion Editor,
The incredible Garance Dore.
As I was perusing all my favorite blogs, I came across these incredible shots from The Sartorialist and Garance Dore, which I just had to share with you. I have loved menswear for quite some time and it seems now, more than ever, this is its time to be in the spotlight. I think what I love the most is the slightly androgynous look that comes out of a woman wearing men’s clothing. It is such a unique challenge, to pull it off in a way that you still look sexy and like a woman versus just a woman in a man’s clothes. It sounds contradictory, and it is very tricky. However, when done well, the results are pretty fantastic.
The last image is of Garance herself, in an articule that Refinery 29 did on her, regarding street style. The photos of her are amazing. To see more, check it out here!
What do you think of menswear on women? Do you think it is sexy o do you prefer more feminine accents, like ruffles and bows? Do share, I would love to know your thoughts! SPxx
Photo credits: The Sartorialist, Garance Dore, Refinery 29