UO Trapper Hat / Circle Scarf (gifted) / Olsenboye Sweatshirt (c/o) / F21 Flannel / Patagonia Leggings / Thrifted Boots (Value Village)
I still have some photos left over from Seattle, so don’t let the background throw you off. I feel like comfort has been a theme with me lately and this outfit definitely fits into that niche. These pieces are probably some of the most cozy and comfortable items of clothing I own (apart from my oversized red Ranger’s sweatshirt) and when worn all together, it feels like heaven. So if you ever need a surefire recipe for the double C (comfort+cozy) just mix together, flannel, fleece shearling and something with lycra in it, (I opt for stretchy leggings), and you are all set. Definitely try this at home.