F21 Hat, Anorak / Lulu’s Maxi Dress (c/o) / Lauren by Ralph Lauren Belt and Bag (c/o) / Nine West “Violanda” Espadrilles (c/o)
This was the day that we decided to walk all the way from the French Quarter to the Garden District. (For those of you live in, or know Nola well, you will understand how far this walk was.) Our goal? To see The Lafayette Cemetery. About two hours later, we arrived at said destination. The amazing thing? All three of us walked almost the whole time in these shoes. (Lindsey and I are both wearing Nine West and Keiko is rocking a sky-high Jessica Simpson platform.) Actually, now that I remember, Lindsey didn’t bring flats, so she actually walked the entire time in her platforms without her feet falling off. I think that’s saying a lot about a shoe.
It was a wonderful day. We saw a bunch of different neighborhoods that ordinarily we would not have seen if it wasn’t for our meandering “jaunt” to the other side of the city. We actually had a great time and took tons of photos. Later that evening, we got gussied up to attend Sophomore’s fashion show, then went for drinks at the Ritz, and finally onto an amazing dinner at Lilette. The cherry on my sundae? “A” flew in for the weekend, and was waiting for me when I got back to the hotel. :) All in all, it was a fantastic evening.
UO earrings / H&M Top and Shorts /Lauren by Ralph Lauren Belt, Shoes (c/o), Coach Watch (c/o)
This is Juley, an awesome Nola blogger, who writes the cool site, Swank Heights. I snapped this photo of her at the Sophomore show because I was so taken with her yellow dress and owl pin! Isn’t she so chic?
Had enough of Nola talk yet? No? Good, because there’s more to come tomorrow! :) xoxo