Good Morning, my lovelies! How was everyone’s weekend? I had a great past few days, which were filled with going to dinner, hanging with friends and sipping tasty wine. I did not, however, do a very good job of documenting my outfits from Friday or Saturday due to the very rainy weather we experienced, but did get a few shots last night. I went out to dinner at one of my favorite Italian restaurants in my neighborhood and filled up on two types of ravioli, red wine and cannoli. Yum. Afterwards, walking home, I finally got some shots of my outfit to share with you all. I bought this billowy top the first year I moved here and haved loved it ever since. It is more comfortable than anything, but I find the print interesting and different from anything else I have in my closet. I also felt very cozy and fall-like, even though it was so warm out that I didn’t need a coat. Such strange weather! What did you guys do this weekend? xoxo
To see my full outfit, click below!