On Friday, I helped my Mom get her classroom (she teaches 4th grade!) set up and organized for the first day of school, which starts next week. I wanted to be comfy while I sat on the floor and organized drawers full of math beans, scissors, magic markers and glue sticks, so I decided to wear my “new” Facannable button down that I got at a consignment shop in Ballard because it’s slightly roomy and casual. It’s hard to tell in these photos, but the shirt is actually a red and white gingham print, but it paired nicely with my bright white shorts. I liked the outfit enough to run outside to the basketball court and snap a few photos. Later that evening I went out with a few friends and remixed the shirt into a completely different outfit. Check back later today to what I wore!
My Outfit:
Earrings: The Vintage Closet in Seattle (more info on this to come!)
Sunglasses: F21
Shirt: Thrifted, Consignment Shop in Ballard
Shorts: F21
Shoes: Dolce Vita