I often get asked how I put an outfit together, and sometimes there is a lot of thought put into it, but other times it’s based off of something as arbitrary as the color nail polish I am wearing or a new lipstick I am trying.
Today’s outfit is a result of something like that, where for example the night before I was watching the movie Interstellar and I painted my nails a pretty light blue color called Blue Orchid by Deborah Lippmann and somehow it inspired my outfit the next day.
Sure enough, the next morning, I walked down to my closet and thought to myself, what color shirt would match my pretty new nails? As I thumbed through a few articles of clothing in the blue section (yes my closet is color coordinated) I came across my “Radical” tee from Textile by Elizabeth & James, which I hadn’t worn in a while but still really love.
With my shirt decided, I then chose to wear mostly black for the rest of the outfit simply because the color of the word on the tee was black. Seriously, that is what went through my mind.
Honestly, when it is SO cold out, it is hard to even get dressed at all sometimes, so I counted this as a win. That I managed to get out the door in something other than flannel pants and a sleeping bag jacket. You people on the East Coast know what I am talking about!
Oh and these Frye boots? My parents bought them for me a couple years ago and I forgot how much I LOVE them.
I’m bringing them back into my daily wardrobe fo sho.
Ok, so onto the finishing touches. I picked this bright scarf to wear (I wanted a pop of color) and initially I was going to wear a red lip, but changed my mind at the last minute and went with a nude lip instead. What do you guys think of the color? It’s hard to see in these photos but I like it because it almost matches my lip color but also has a bit of a mod look to it too.
Basically, what I want you to take away from this stream of consciousness is that getting dressed doesn’t always have to be so hard or stressful. Meaning, it should be fun and on your own terms. Go off what your mood is telling you, what color palette you’re into at the moment and what you want to put out into the world. I understand that a lot of you might have to go to a 9-5 or job and wear more corporate or conservative clothing, but the pieces you are wearing should harness good energy. You should feel good in your outfit!
I know that might seem like a tall order at times, but I truly believe this and teach this way of thinking to all my clients. And after some practice and self confidence, I believe this will start to happen for you if it hasn’t or isn’t already.
Photos by: Casey :)
Anyhoo, that is my two cents for the day. Thank you as always for swinging by and saying hi and reading what I have to say. Sometimes I am not sure if people actually read blogs anymore, but I still love to write (even when it’s hard to do somedays) so, THANK YOU for taking the time.
P.S. For those of you that don’t know, I work as a personal stylist and am working on starting a YouTube channel where I discuss more topics like getting dressed, remixing, and dressing for your body shape.
What do you guys think? Would you be into it? Let me know in the comments below!
Love you guys! xo
Outfit Details:
Sunglasses: Karen Walker / Jacket: Zara (old) / Scarf: Zara (old) / Shirt: Textile by Elizabeth & James / Pants: J Brand (see below for some similar options that are on sale) / Boots: Frye (more sizes here) / Bag: Proenza Schouler