I have only worn this skirt in the warmer months and thought it was high time I winterized it with all the fixin’s, such as tights, boots and a turtleneck to boot. I felt very scholarly/schoolgirl in my corduroy, turtleneck and watch necklace, but I think the print of the skirt evened out the overall look and gave it a bit of a kick. I had to run around uptown for the first part of the day but then came down to Soho for lunch at Soho Park. I ordered a yummy kielbasa, and just as our food arrived, I looked over and saw my best friend, Allie, and her boyfriend sitting a few tables away! We immediately picked up our food and finished out our meal at their table. I love it when I randomly run into people I know and love in the city. It makes Manhattan a little less huge and hectic at times. Anyhoo, aren’t you excited it’s almost Friday? I am! Wahoo!
Check back later today to see how I remixed this skirt, from spring to winter!
My Outfit:
Blazer: Thrifted from Buffalo Exchange
Turtleneck: Nordstrom
Necklace: Grandmother’s vintage watch on chain
Scarf: H&M
Sunglasses: Fred Flare
Skirt: F21
Belt: H&M
Tights: Kushyfoot
Boots: Thrifted from Beacon’s Closet
**Click below to see detail shots!**