( My new favorite, and very manageable, way to wear my hair. The twist and tuck!)
Okay, so I realize that project-ing, is a made up word, at least in the way that I am using it (as in the action of doing a project, not actually projecting onto someone else) but whatever. Sometimes it’s just something you have to do to.
Anyway, part of the project that I was working on this weekend required using a flip video camera and doing some fun filming of my very favorite spots around the city. Once I felt I had enough footage for the day, I decided to add in a few still shots of my outfit for kicks. I realized later that I didn’t get any photos with my coat open except for the very top shot, so, sorry about that!
Instead I’ll give a little explanation about the ensemble above. I am wearing the ultimate combination of splurge versus save, except I was lucky enough to have the splurge items, which include the trench, clutch, and heels, gifted to me, courtesy again of the lovely, lovely girls at Coach. However, generally speaking, when shopping for myself, I am a big advocate of investing money on quality items such as bags, coats and shoes, because if purchased thoughtfully, those items end up being quality staples in your closet for years to come. This is definitely the case for me regarding these Coach items. The pieces of this outfit that came from my own closet happen to be very thrifty, which creates a nice price point juxtaposition. My jeans are from Target, my belt, and blouse are thrifted and each cost $5, my scarf came from H&M, the sunglasses from a street vendor, my ring from F21, my watch necklace is vintage, and my striped tank is from Banana Republic (thanks Mom!). A nice contrast of items, I would say.
My Outfit:
Sunglasses: Street vendor on St. Mark’s
Necklace: Vintage, Grandmother’s watch on chain
Ring: F21
Scarf: H&M
Red checked blouse: Thrifted at the Brooklyn Flea
Striped tank: Banana Republic
Belt: Thrifted
Jeans: Mossimo, Target
Trench: Courtesy of Coach
Heels: Courtesy of Coach
Clutch: Courtesy of Coach