Urban Outfitters Blouse / J.Crew Necklace (gifted) / Karl Lagerfeld for H&M Pants / On-loan YSL Pumps (Courtesy of Carolyn)
I met my good friend Carolyn for lunch yesterday and she was kind enough to snap a few shots before heading back to the office. She was also kind enough to let me trot around in her 5-inch YSL pumps (since I was wearing flats) for my photoshoot.
My outfit was fairly simple and all black except for the bit of sparkle that hung around my neck. Sometimes wearing all black is the way to go . Don’t get me wrong, I can’t wait to wear my plum-colored tights for the first time this season, but head to toe black makes me feel very demure and classic, like Audrey Hepburn. Anyway, there wasn’t much rhyme or reason as to how I put this ensmeble together or the items involved, other than quite honestly, they happen to be two of my favorite simple black pieces that I own. Easy peasy.
P.S. It’s my very dear friend Becky’s BIRTHDAY TODAY! Hugs to you B! xoxo
P.P.S. Thanks to everyone who commented on my shoe question yesterday. Your thoughts and opinions were very helpful and assisted me in my final decision. Stay tuned to find out what I chose! xoxo