Seeing as my mother lives all the way across the country in Seattle, we sadly aren’t going to be together this coming Sunday, but that doesn’t stop me from thinking about her of course, and what I would do if we were together. A typical morning on Mother’s Day in our house would be spent eating a homemade breakfast of eggs, toast, bacon and coffee. Afterward, we would most likely take a walk around the lake with Barney. I wish I could be with my family this weekend, but then yesterday when I received this gorgeous orchid and Calvin Klein perfume, it prompted me to photograph it and share it on the blog as a little online tribute to my wonderful mother.
I plan on giving my mom this beautiful orchid and perfume when she visits in June (can you take an orchid on a plane?!) but for those of you that have your mothers close by, you can celebrate this Sunday and receive a stunning complimentary orchid plant of your own with any large spray purchase from the euphoria fragrance collection at Macy’s and Share your gift with #euphoriaformoms.
This is a sponsored post, but as always, all opinions and styling are my own. Thank you so much for always supporting posts that allow me to keep doing what I love. xo