I have two special treats for you today. By now you know all about my day at Columbus Circle—my picnic, and drink date with “A”, but the fun part, was that everything was caught on camera! My webisode of the whole day is now ready for viewing and I can’t wait to share it with you. If you’d like to watch it, click here!
The second treat is an amazing giveaway! You all have a chance to win the beautiful Eileen Fisher scarf that I picked up during my shopping trip! It retails at $135 and it absolutely gorgeous. In order to enter, click here register by signing up to become an Inside The Circle member here and gain exclusive benefits to everything foodie and fashionista at Time Warner Center. Sign up ends on Tuesday, April 26th at 6pm. The winner will be announced on Time Warner Center’s Facebook page on Wednesday, April 27th! I will list the winner on the blog as well. Good luck! xoxo
Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter!