Saturday was sort of a rainy, so we were pretty low key. In all honesty, we binged watched episodes of The Blacklist before finally peeling ourselves off the couch to head to Long Island City for a dinner with friends. Sunday was full of football and brunching, but then later on in the evening Casey and I met up with our friends Liz and Zack to go see The Great Jack O’Lantern Blaze! We hopped on the train at Grand Central to Croton-Harmon and it only took us about 45 minutes to get there, which was nice. We had dinner up there, and then around 9pm we walked down to the festival site where we were blown away by what we saw. I had a lot of questions upon entering so if you’re interested, here is their FAQ, which explains everything you need to know.
Me and Liz at The Green Growler.
Look at that gigantic pumpkin!
A few fun facts: as far as the pumpkins go, many are real but some are Funkin “art pumpkins.” But every single Jack O’Lantern is individually hand-carved on site at Van Cortlandt Manor by their team. Also, since not all the pumpkins survive for the full run of the Blaze, they order more than 10,000 live pumpkins, which weigh between five and fifty pounds each, which equals out to be about 200,000 pounds of pumpkin! Impressive right?! Here is a video I snagged from their site if you want to see the Blaze in action! xo