Yesterday was super busy with a photo shoot, in which I was a model and a stylist (fun!) and then for most of today, I’ll be meeting with one of my clients to go through their wardrobe and then help them shop for their fall/winter wardrobe (more fun!). So, needless to say I haven’t had a chance to snap any outfit photos, but I wanted to touch back on my mini series about my summer favorites. To read part 1, which I posted back in September, click here. Anyway, one of my other favorite summer memories was over Labor Day, when I went to Cape Cod with some girlfriends. We had the best time ever and I can’t wait to go back. I took tons of photos but for the sake of creating a manageable collage, I tried to select a handful of shots that showed both daily outfits and fun activities, combined.
I should be back to normal outfit posting by Friday, but in the meantime, click below to see my mini Cape Cod collage!