Okay, well it isn’t exactly new, because I have had bangs before, but it has been a while since I’ve had a trim. Anyway, I give you, a very straight, slightly messy version of my updated do. I mostly love it, but will love it entirely when I style it myself…a little more funky, a little more me.
Currently Coveting: Long hair with bangs.
As many of you know, I recently got bangs! But, in the process, my hairdresser had to cut off a ton of my long hair because it was so damaged! Oops. Anyway, while I am loving my hair style, and my healthy locks, I still dream of having hair like Naomi’s…long hair with thick, heavy bangs. So pretty and romantic looking. In order to go about this, I think my first step will be to actually get it cut every six weeks like you are supposed and also ask for thicker, heavier bangs in front. I can’t wait! What do you think of this hair style?
Hi my lovelies! Sorry for the lack of posts yesterday. I was running all over the city yesterday, which included a trip to Chinatown to get my hair cut as well as a fun little photo shoot on Chelsea Piers…more to come about that later today, so stay tuned! In the meantime, what do you guys think of the bangs?! I am still getting used to them brushing the tips of my eyelashes, but all and all am dvery happy with them! Chat soon! SPxx