Inspiring. I just got some great high heeled pumps from a good friend that have a slightly pointed toe. Thin ankle socks would look super cute with them. I think I’ll try it!
Weardrobe is where it’s at.
I recently joined the cool site, Weardrobe, which I recommend all you people who love individual style and creative folks to check it out. You can follow people and vice versa, see what they are wearing and it is all sorts of fun. Very inspiring. Anyway, this girl and I are now Weardrobe “friends” and I am loving her fun style. This outfit in particular really caught my eye. I could see wearing it to a afternoon matinee or meeting friends for brunch. And, let’s be honest, you all know how much I adore ankle socks with heels…
Wishing on a star.
I often find myself jotting down certain things I am coveting—usually on bright yellow sticky notes or random pieces of paper—as a way to remind myself to keep particular items in mind the next time I am out shopping. But this time, I decided I wanted to create a visual list of what is on my radar right now, things I feel would be great additional staples to my current wardrobe. There will be many more I am sure, but this is the first batch on the roster.
A little explanation behind each item:
1. Ever since that amazing coat from Anthropologie, which is sadly no longer available, showed up on The Sartorialist, I have been in love with it. I would like to get a coat that falls in the similar color range of a pinky-gray-beige hue. Preferably with some sort of feminine detailing.
2. If you read my blog enough, you know that as of late, I have developed a slight fixation on ankle socks. I am loving these striped ones, also photographed by Anna Wolf. Well, I promised myself that the next time it was a nice day, I would rock the socks. Needless to say, I chickened out. And, to top it off, a dear person who reads my blog knew this and totally called me out! So, ankles socks, IT’S ON.
3. Isn’t her cropped jean jacket cool? I am a big fan of how she used it as a layering component. Genius move. I lost my jean jacket a long time ago and never seemed to replace it. Lately, I have been feeling it’s loss and think that I will get one in a light denim wash, that is distressed looking, and of course cropped! Also, her coat is really cool.
4. I used to love silver jewelry and still have two rings that I almost always wear that are from my parents, but think that I have become more of a “gold person” when it comes to “fun” jewelry, such as earrings, necklaces etc. With that said, I think I would like to purchase either a simple (probably faux) gold watch or at least one that is cool with gold accents. (I especially love the all gold one above, which features an elastic band and totally reminds me of something my beautiful Grandmother, Rita, would have worn.)
5. This photograph was taken by the very talented photographer, Anna Wolf, and I am loving the stark contrast of the pale pinky beige dress against the bright pop of her red tights. I have been playing around with the idea of red tights for a while now and even blogged about them, but was never quite sure how I would wear them. Now I know!
6. This photo was taken by Joanna at Fashion Week last year—same beautiful girl, different amazing outfit. The necklace of silk flowers is perfection. And, this morning, I was checking out a sweet blog called Vintage Tea and she had these photos of these really pretty necklaces by Marquis & Camus…I am determined to try and make one, which may take me enlisting my good friend A, who is extremely creative, plus a trip to a craft store. M&J Trimming, here I come.
I hope you had as much fun reading this as I did writing it! If you did, let me know! And, stay tuned for more wish lists, but until then—have a great rest of your day and an even more relaxing evening! I’m off to a press event for Madeleine Weinrib and then headed to yoga! What are you up to tonight? Spxx
More about ankle socks.
So, it seems some of my favorite looks include, well anything that involves oxfords, and apparently, ankle socks. I posted about them yesterday on both Style Pill and Budget Fashion Report and made the statement that I am going to give this look (short socks with heels) a go when it becomes warmer. I like Chloe Sevigny’s look in this photo—which I apologetically cannot remember where I found it, so sorry—because although she does have her shirt buttoned all the way up to her neck, she still remains looking feminine and flirty by showing some leg.
P.S. Since I was only able to post once today on SP, click here to see two new posts from BFR! SPxx