Ooo la la, I’m on Gilt! Check out the mini feature, here!
My Halloween Outfit: Care Bear Power!
Yep, that’s right, my best friend, her boyfriend, and I dressed up as the three Care Bears that you see on this here cloud. Want to know which one I was? Click below!
My Style: Bright ‘n Bold
Inspired by the many sites out there that showcase people’s personal style, such as Weardrobe and Wardrobe_remix on Flickr, I decided it was high time I began photographing my own personal style. So, starting today, that is what I am going to do…whenever I wear something that I love, up goes a photograph, or a collage. I will list each item that I am wearing and link to websites if the item is still available.
So, with that said, above is outfit #1, shot by the lovely Jessica of What I Wore, who is a lovely lady, and a daily dose of inspiration. And always, thanks for reading, my loves!
My Ensemble:
Skirt, Forever 21…
(sadly, I couldn’t find my exact skirt, but here is one, similar in pattern and color.)
Currently Coveting: The Sash from American Apparel
I love how AA always shows a million different ways to wear their items. It is so creative and inspiring…it really helps me look at some of the sort of basic and simple items in my closet in a different and more interesting way. What do you think about this sash? And, isn’t this girl’s outfit so cute? I think I definitely need to add this awesome acessory to my wardrobe. Lucky for me there is one around the corner from my apartment. Next stop: American Apparel!
Bright and shiny
Last night, as I was waiting for my friend LC to get off work, I stopped into American Apparel to kill some time. I have been eyeing their Nylon Tricot Figure Skater Dress for quite some time now and even designed an outfit around it, but had never actually tried it on…mostly because I was convinced it would look quite ridiculous on me. Well, this time around, I gave it shot. I unsheathed myself of my many winter layers and slipped on a bright magenta version of the short, slightly high-waisted shiny dress, and come to find out, was pleasantly surprised! I didn’t look like a complete freak, and the salesgirl even complimented me on how it looked! (Well, in retrospect, she was probably just doing her job, but still.) I was pleased, and think I will go purchase it this weekend. And, seeing that I am going to opt for magenta versus charcoal, I decided to go with a different look than the one I created before. I think I will play up the bright color and make it more flirty and fun!
Now tell me, what do you think of this dress? Would you ever wear it? What is your favorite flirty or sassy dress? SPxx
My American Apparel ensemble
Hello from wintry Washington! The snow is starting to melt a bit, which makes me sad because it will only turn to slush. Good thing I have my Hunter boots! Anyway, I finally found my camera cord and was able to download massive amounts of pictures—yay—which means I am finally able to share with you these few shots taken of me in one of my favorite ensembles. Remember this outfit?
Gotta love the mini trash canister in the background, but isn’t the wallpaper the best? A big thank you to L for taking these shots. SPxx
Dear American Apparel, you’re making me blush!
How neat is this! My recent post about American Apparel outfits and clothing, got picked up by American Apparel themselves! I feel so honored. A big thanks to everyone, especially Victoria, who was the lovely reader that asked me to pull together some AA outfits in the first place. Thanks again!
The creative web that is American Apparel
Hello loves! I hope you are all having a lovely Wednesday! I know I am. I have been having great fun pulling together some outfits from the one and only American Apparel. A few days ago, a reader wrote and asked if I could help her come up with some combinations of AA clothes, since she gets a tad overwhelmed when trying to sift through the articles herself. There really are so many options, variations and choices of basically, t-shirts, tanks and stretch pants, (what to pair with what!) so I totally feel her pain! But, after some picking, plucking and tweaking, I designed three ensembles—with a few accessories thrown in for some flair—that I hope you will enjoy! Let me know what you think, I would love to hear! SPxx
I really like the simplicity of this look. Actually, I basically own this outfit! I always feel super flirty and fun when I slip on this short, swingy skirt. And, when paired with black tights and closed-toe oxfords (i mean, who doesn’t LOVE oxfords!) as shown, the combo becomes winter-appropo. Bonus: the material of the t-shirt is totally sleep-wear soft!
Available at American Apparel…
Unisex Tri-Blend Short Sleeve Deep V-Neck, $22
Opaque Pantyhose, $14
This get-up is a bit more provocative and daring, but still super fun! I am personally coveting each piece and think this would be the perfect outfit for a night out dancing with the girls. The flat, sensible boots help tone down the sexy-slinkiness of the ballerina-inspired dress, and you can feel a bit more covered up when you layer with the tank, scarf and tights. The hat is just so urban downtown, and a nice masculine touch to a mostly feminine ensemble.
Available at American Apparel…
Nylon Tricot Figure Skater Dress, $48
Cotton Spandex Jersey Bra-Cami, $19
Opaque Pantyhose, $14
Isn’t this outfit so upbeat and fun? I love tossing bright hues into the mix, especially in the winter months, when blacks and grays begin to dominate the wardrobe. My favorite piece is the scarf, which is new from AA and is called the Circle Scarf, and can be worn in a plethora of ways—you can wrap this baby ’round your neck or shoulders! As I’m sure you have noticed, I love this versatile belt, it seriously goes with almost everything. And the shoes? Yes, they may be banana-colored, but what a way to make a statement! So, slip them on, grab your tote and shades, and you’re ready to go!
Available at American Apparel…
Stripe Pocket Frock, $41
Bull Denim Woven Cotton Cities Bag, $28
Zoe Split Sunglass, $75
California Fleece Sunglass Case, $5
Side note: For more information regarding the accessories that were not listed, feel free to contact me at: