my resolutions. #2: travel, explore and travel some more
Zara Vest, Blazer, Shirt and Shoes / HRH Necklace (c/o) / Twelfth Street by Cynthia Vincent Vest / 7FAM Jeans (c/o) / Westward Leaning Sunglasses / Givenchy Pandora Bag
Photos by Kristen
Welcome to week two of my collaboration with 7FAM jeans! You can read all about last week and my first resolution by clicking here. But today I am introducing my second New Year’s resolution, which is to continue to travel and explore places I have always wanted to visit outside of New York City.
Last week I was lucky enough to spend five days in Copenhagen for Fashion Week. Amongst going to shows, I also went on a canal ride, visited the Royal Palace and had a tour of Georg Jensen’s studio headquarters. I spent time with new friends eating traditional Danish food, drinking wine and wandering around getting lost. It was wonderful, despite the dropping temperatures.
I know that I was extremely lucky with all the travel I was able to do in 2012 and I also know that to keep my drive, passion and ambitions strong I need to keep exploring and seeing what’s out there. Getting out of town reminds me that there is a whole big world outside of this little bubble/island we call Manhattan. And as much as I love New York City, I need to leave occasionally in order to reboot and ground myself. So, whether it’s for a long weekend upstate or for a week in another country, here’s to more traveling and exploring in 2013! xo