These funny photos were taken at the beach in Langley last week on my Dad’s birthday. My outfit post will come later this morning once I get up and out of bed, but in the meantime, I hope you enjoy these silly shots. Also, check out a few (there were many) of these hilarious outtakes of me and my mom trying to coordinate my midair leaps and jumps. Read more
Personal Post: Beach Day With Barnaby!
Happy Thursday! Did everyone have a fun St. Patrick’s Day? I for one, was in bed by 10PM. It was amazing. My day actually started at 3:30AM when I woke up to catch a cab to the airport. I arrived in Seattle around mid-morning and was immediately greeted by the best dog in the world: Barnaby. You all remember Barnaby, right? This adorable little baby? Well, now he is 4 months old and weighs 50 pounds. Yep, he’s gonna be a big boy.
Once we got home, I dropped off my one small carry-on (I managed to pack light again!) and we headed to the beach close by to where I grew up, with my one of my best friends Allie, who recently moved back to Seattle from New York. It was amazing to spend some quality Northwest beach time with her, my parents and of course, The Barnster. Oh yes. There are about 1,000 nicknames for this dog. But honestly, he is truly amazing, has the best disposition, and is ridiculously handsome. He is so good natured, friendly and just overall a very happy puppy. Okay sorry, enough bragging. Anyway, here are a few fun shots from our day at the beach!
***Small Dedication: To the Seattleites reading this blog—whether you are either currently in town, back in New York, or elsewhere—I dedicate all the scenery shots to you! ***
Dad and Barn ready to tear it up.
Edmonds waterfront. Heavenly.
Take 1: Barn, look at the camera!
Take 2: Kissy face! I’m not going to lie, I loved every second of it.
Take 3: Aaand we’re down, nibbling on a rock.
Everytime he got intimidated by the bigger, more aggressive dogs, he found his way in-between my legs. Those dogs won’t know what hit them when Barna-boo hits a hefty 150.
He ran himself ragged!
Time to go home.
Okay, now I promise to go back to outfit posting. Actually, I will do so later today once I finally get my jet-lagged self motivated and in proper clothing. In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed the photos of our day at the beach! xoxo
***Disclaimer: Over the next week and a half, content including Barnaby will probably, most likely, just about positively, show up again and again on this blog.***
***A Note of Appreciation: Due to said disclaimer, I would like you to know that even though this blog is usually about fashion, I appreciate your patience in letting me share parts of my personal life with you, and hope you enjoy and fall in love with The Barn Barn as much as I have.***